CIA Access Control and Lock
CIA Access Control - Export Swipe Records to Excel
CIA Access Control - Export Swipe Records to Excel In the "Operation" tab, select "Select All", and then select "Download" Once the download is complete, select "Query Swipe Records" Select the "Query" icon Select "Export to Excel" ...
Removing a Card/Fob/Pin Code
Removing a Card/Fob/Pin Code Select the user you would like to delete Select "Delete" Select "OK" Select "Operation" tab. Select "Select All" and "Upload". Select "OK".
Adding a Pin Code
Adding a Pin Code Creating a Pin Code Select the "Configuration" tab Select the "Personnel" tab. Select the "Add" button. Enter the name for the fob in the name field and the number printed on the fob in the card number field. You can also select the ...
Adding a Card/Fob
Adding a Card/Fob Creating a Card Select the "Configuration" tab Select the "Personnel" tab. Select the "Add" button. Enter the name for the fob in the name field and the number printed on the fob in the card number field. You can also select the ...
CIA Access Control Manual
See the attached PDF for a manual on your CIA access control system.